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Copy AI Review: One of the Best AI Writing Tool?

In this blog post, we’ll delve into review, an AI-powered writing tool that promises to save you time and enhance your conversion rates.

We will explore its capabilities, debunk misconceptions, and determine if it can indeed put an end to writer’s block while generating effective marketing copy quickly.

Copy AI Review (Snapshot)

Overall Rating: –⭐⭐⭐⭐4.3/5

Copy AI is a cutting-edge AI-powered writing tool designed to streamline content generation and copywriting processes. Created by a team of developers, it has gained popularity for its ability to assist users in creating various types of content more efficiently. From marketing copy to blog titles, product descriptions, and more, Copy AI caters to a wide range of content needs.

🚀Key Features of Copy AI:

  1. Copywriting Templates: Copy AI provides a selection of more than 90 templates aimed at assisting users in generating various forms of content, ranging from blog posts to marketing copy.
  2. Blog Content Creation Tools: It streamlines the process of creating blog content, encompassing tasks like crafting headlines, outlining content, and generating ideas.
  3. Social Media Content Creation Tools: Provides templates for different social media posts and digital ad copy.
  4. Email Marketing Tools: Offers templates for welcome emails, newsletters, and more.
  5. Website Copywriting Tools: Includes templates for sales landing pages and “About Us” pages.
  6. Other Features: Provides a sentence rewriter, verb booster, and templates following established structures for persuasive ad copy.

💲Pricing Plans:

  • Forever Free Plan: Ideal for those looking to explore the tool. It includes access to 90+ copyright tools, unlimited projects, and a 7-day trial of the Pro plan.
  • Pro Plan ($49/month): Suitable for individuals and small teams, offering features like 5 user seats, a generous word limit (40,000 words per month), and priority email support.

Pros of Copy.AICons of Copy.AI
✅ Wide Range of Writing Tools❌ Some Gimmicky Tools
✅ Custom Templates❌ Accuracy Varies, Requires Fact-Checking
✅ Time-Saving Supercharge Mode❌ Generated Text Needs Editing
✅ Efficient Blog Post Wizard❌ Plagiarism Check Still Necessary
✅ No Character Limitations❌ Lack of Keyword Metrics and Content Optimization

What is Copy.AI? is an innovative AI writing tool that may not instantly create lengthy articles but excels in crafting content elements like blog titles, outlines, paragraph transitions, introductions, conclusions, meta descriptions, and more with just a few clicks.

Founded by Paul Yacoubian and Chris Lu in 2020, this agile startup has made significant strides in a short time.

With rapid growth from a mere 3 employees to over 30 and a customer base exceeding 2,000,000 users as of August 2022, has made its mark in the industry. Notably, giants like Microsoft and eBay count among its clientele.

How does Copy.AI work?

Our review aims to provide a comprehensive evaluation of this AI content generator. We’ve put it to the test to gauge its prowess and ascertain whether it can outperform human creativity.

It’s essential to acknowledge that accuracy and truthfulness, particularly in sensitive areas like health and well-being, should be diligently verified. functions best as an AI writing assistant during content creation, where it can wield significant power.

In our experience, excels in generating content for general topics compared to highly specific subjects. While it may generate subpar content for precise product descriptions, it fares better when crafting content on broader product categories.

At this juncture, may not be the ideal choice for those seeking top-notch long-form content. If your needs revolve around creating product descriptions or social media posts quickly, and you’re willing to make some quality concessions, it can serve your purpose.

However, for producing truly exceptional content, it may not yet be the go-to option.

This is a characteristic shared by other AI copywriting tools in the market as well. When combined with content optimization tools and platforms like Grammarly, it can certainly enhance its output.

Considering its versatility and promise, exploring through the free 7-day trial is highly recommended. This firsthand experience will allow you to test all its features and understand how it can align with your specific content needs.

Who Is the Tool Best For? caters to digital marketers and online business owners striving to expedite their copywriting and content creation processes. It specializes in generating content for websites, encompassing blog posts, meta descriptions, landing pages, sales letters, social media, and email marketing campaigns.

It primarily focuses on offering services in the following key areas:

  • Product Descriptions: Ideal for e-commerce businesses.
  • Google Ads and Social Media Ads: Tailored for advertising on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn.
  • Website Copy: Assists in generating blog post ideas, outlines, meta descriptions, and more.
  • Sales Copy: Suitable for website content and email campaigns.
  • Email Content: Covers subject lines, autoresponder sequences, sales funnels, and various other email marketing components. exhibits exceptional speed in generating copy and content, as demonstrated in our comparison of Copy AI versus Jasper AI.

However, it’s crucial to remember that while it can expedite content creation, it’s not at a stage where it can produce extensive blog posts at the click of a button. Human editing and fact-checking are integral to obtaining polished results.

Nevertheless, isn’t limited to assisting content marketers alone. It boasts a “Fun Personal Tools” section that allows users to create love letters, birthday cards, and various other forms of short content.

To illustrate the capabilities of, I’ve simulated a fictional website called “Club Pup” to test its email and article-writing features. This same simulation is utilized in all my AI reviews, ensuring a consistent benchmark for evaluating different AI tools. For a glimpse of’s welcome email output, click here.

The video walkthrough accompanying this review offers an in-depth look at the interface and user experience. Navigating is relatively straightforward, with the “Projects” section serving as your home base upon logging in.

This organized layout streamlines team collaboration, a feature not always present in AI tools.

Once you’ve created a document, whether it’s a concise advertisement or an elaborate blog post, you can conveniently save it within the “Projects” section for later edits. No need for cumbersome copying into external word processors.

The editor may require a brief adjustment period, but once you become familiar with it, the interface closely resembles popular document editors like Google Docs.

Key Features Copy.AI:

1. Copywriting Templates:

copy AI interface

Copy AI offers an extensive range of templates, over 90 in total, which are designed to help users generate various types of content more efficiently.

The templates cover a wide array of content needs, from writing blog posts to creating marketing copy.

2. Blog Content Creation Tools:

copy ai blog post writing interface

When it comes to generating blog content, Copy AI simplifies the process by providing templates for crafting headlines, outlines, and ideas.

These templates can streamline the initial stages of blog post creation. However, it’s important to note that the AI-generated content may require substantial editing due to concerns over Google penalties for AI-generated content.

3. Social Media Content Creation Tools:

social media content creation option

Copy AI excels in helping users create engaging content for social media. It offers templates for different types of social media posts, updates, and even digital ad copy.

The templates are designed to target specific marketing needs, such as event promotion and contest or giveaway promotion.

4. Email Marketing Tools:

email marketing option

Copy AI simplifies the email marketing process by providing a range of email templates. Users can easily create welcome emails, discount offers, newsletters, and cold outreach emails using these templates. The provided structure in these templates makes it straightforward to initiate email campaigns.

5. Website Copywriting Tools:

website copy creation of copy AI

While the website copywriting section is relatively limited compared to other categories, Copy AI offers templates for generating content for sales landing pages and “About Us” pages.

However, it’s emphasized that the quality of the content generated may be subpar, and extensive editing is often necessary.

6. Integrations and Extensions:

Copy AI offers a browser extension. However, this extension has some limitations. It can’t directly edit content on the page you’re working on, similar to how Grammarly operates in Google Docs.

Instead, it opens a new window where you can copy and paste content to be edited. Compared to other AI writing tools, Copy AI’s integrations are relatively limited.

7. Customer Support:

customer support of and frequently asked question of copy AI

While Copy AI provides email support, the absence of chat support may result in slightly longer response times for users. Priority email support is available for “Pro” plan users.

8. Other Features:

In addition to templates, Copy AI provides several supplementary features. These include a sentence rewriter, a verb booster for enhancing sentence structure, and templates like BAB, AIDA, PAS that follow established structures for creating persuasive ad copy.

There’s also support for simplifying sentences, writing product descriptions, and more.

Quality of Output of Copy.AI

Grammar and Spelling:

Copy AI demonstrates competent grammar and spelling in its generated content. It performs well in identifying grammatical errors and suggests improvements where needed. In a test using Grammarly, the AI-generated content achieved a commendable 94% overall rating.

The issues detected were primarily related to determiners, punctuation, engagement, and clarity. Users familiar with Grammarly will find the content generally acceptable, with minor adjustments often necessary to match their writing style.


Copy AI provides a basic plagiarism-checking feature, ensuring that the generated content is original. When content is pasted into Copy AI, it quickly assesses it for potential plagiarism.

The tool detected plagiarism in one test, which may seem somewhat high, but it’s worth noting that this test was conducted on a small sample of content. Subsequent tests with different content paragraphs showed a 0% plagiarism rate, suggesting that Copy AI’s plagiarism results may vary.


One challenge with AI-generated text is ensuring accuracy and factual correctness. In some cases, the generated content may not accurately represent the intended topic.

Therefore, while Copy AI can provide excellent starting points, users should exercise caution and fact-check the content when accuracy is paramount.

Creativity and Engagement:

Copy AI excels in generating creative and engaging content across various industries. The writing options it produces are often catchy and compelling, making them useful for various applications.

While the generated content is generally engaging, users should be aware that AI-generated content may lack the depth and nuance that human writers provide.

Pricing of Copy.AI

When evaluating the value for money with Copy AI, it’s essential to consider the features offered in relation to the cost. Copy AI’s pricing structure is straightforward and offers different plans to cater to a variety of users, from individuals to larger teams. Let’s delve into how Copy AI’s features align with the cost associated with each plan.

pricing of copy AI with different option available

Forever Free Plan: This is an ideal starting point for those who want to test the waters with Copy AI. While it’s free, it still offers valuable features such as access to 90+ copyright tools, unlimited projects, and even a 7-day trial of the Pro plan. The free plan caters to casual writers, personal projects, or individuals looking to explore the tool.

Pro Plan: The Pro plan, priced at $49 per month, is designed for those who are serious about content creation. It provides more robust features and is best for small teams.

Team Plan: The Pro plan, priced at $249 per month, It same as the pro plan but with more seats and credits. It is best for the growing teams.

Growth Plan: Copy AI recognizes the needs of larger teams and enterprises, offering custom pricing for the Team plan. This plan provides extensive features, including:

  • Unlimited users
  • No limitations on words or projects
  • Collaboration features for team members
  • Priority support
  • Access to the premium community of copywriters and content marketers

Now, let’s assess how these features measure up to the cost. The Pro plan, which is the most popular choice, comes at $49 per month. With its generous word limit and access to advanced features like the Blog Wizard Tool, it provides excellent value for small businesses and content creators.

Considering the versatility and efficiency of Copy AI in generating high-quality content, the Pro plan’s cost is justified. The priority email support and access to multiple languages further enhance its value.

For larger teams and businesses that require extensive collaboration and support, the Growth plan offers flexibility with custom pricing. This option ensures that you’re getting the most out of Copy AI’s features while accommodating the needs of your team.

Pros and cons Copy.AI


  • Wide Range of Writing Tools: Copy AI offers an extensive collection of over 90 tools and templates. This diversity allows users to generate various types of content, from marketing copy to blog posts, and more. It’s versatile and can assist with different content needs.
  • Custom Templates: If you can’t find the right template in the existing menu, Copy AI allows you to create your own. This feature provides flexibility for tailored content generation.
  • Time-Saving Supercharge Mode: Supercharge Mode is a valuable time-saving feature. Instead of manually inputting information, you can provide a URL to a relevant website, and the AI extracts the necessary data. This is especially useful for creating content about specific products or services.
  • Efficient Blog Post Wizard: The Blog Post Wizard streamlines the process of crafting blog posts. It takes you from generating keywords to creating a draft within a single tool, eliminating the need for multiple tools or platforms. It’s a convenient feature for bloggers and content creators.
  • No Character Limitations: Copy AI recently reintroduced its unlimited plan, which means users aren’t restricted by character limits. This is beneficial for users who require large volumes of content.
  • Favorite Tools: Copy AI allows users to star their favorite tools, ensuring easy access. This feature comes in handy when you’re working with many tools, as it keeps your preferred ones at the top of the list.
  • Content Idea Generation: The AI can help overcome writer’s block by generating ideas and topics for your content. It’s a useful tool for brainstorming and starting the writing process.
  • Time and Cost Efficiency: Copy AI can generate full articles in just a few minutes, far faster than a human writer. This speed can save both time and money. Instead of hiring junior content writers, you can use AI to produce initial drafts and allocate your budget to hiring editors and proofreaders.


  • Some Gimmicky Tools: While Copy AI offers many tools, some, like the Motto Generator and Audience Refiner, may feel gimmicky and lack practical utility in real-world applications.
  • Accuracy Varies, Requires Fact-Checking: AI writers cannot verify the accuracy of the content they generate. They string together words and ideas based on what they’ve learned from existing content. As a result, some generated content may be incorrect, requiring thorough fact-checking.
  • Generated Text Needs Editing: While the AI can produce content, it’s advisable to consider the output as a first draft. Human editing and personalization are often needed to refine the content for quality and uniqueness.
  • Plagiarism Check Still Necessary: AI writers don’t plagiarize, but there’s a possibility that the generated text could resemble existing content. Therefore, running a plagiarism check is essential to ensure originality.
  • Lack of Keyword Metrics and Content Optimization: Copy AI lacks features for keyword research and content optimization. Users focusing on SEO might need to invest in separate tools for these purposes.
  • Basic Content Editor: The content editor in Copy AI is relatively basic, offering standard formatting options but lacking advanced features such as real-time content scoring.

Step-by-step guide on how to use Copy.AI effectively:

Sign Up or Log In: Begin by creating an account on the website or logging in if you’re already a user.

login page of copy AI

Complete Onboarding: Upon signing up, you’ll be guided through an onboarding process where you specify your content needs and preferences. Answer the questions to set up your account according to your goals.

Explore the Dashboard: After onboarding, you’ll land on the dashboard. Familiarize yourself with the layout and the available tools and templates.

dashboard of copy AI

Select a Template: Choose a template or tool based on the type of content you want to generate. Options include blog outlines, product descriptions, headlines, and more.

copy AI templates

Provide Input: Input the name of your company or product and a brief description. You can even upload an image if relevant. The more detailed and specific your input, the better the results.

input page to create the blog post

Generate Content: Click the “Start” button, and Copy AI will generate content based on your input. Within seconds, you’ll have multiple unique marketing copies to choose from.

Edit and Refine: Review the generated content, edit it as needed, and fine-tune it to align with your specific requirements and brand voice.

Repeat or Explore: If the initial results don’t fully meet your needs, you can generate more content by rerunning the tool. Keep experimenting until you find the perfect content outline or idea.

Copy.AI Alternatives

Read our Best AI Content Writing Tools


    Copy AI is a powerful AI writing tool that has proven its worth, especially for generating short-form content. While it may not fully replace human writers, it serves as a valuable writing assistant to overcome writer’s block and enhance productivity. The tool’s quality varies depending on the specific use case, but it can be a game-changer for startups and businesses with significant content demands. Therefore, I highly recommend giving Copy AI a try, but always keep in mind the need for careful editing and understanding your audience’s preferences to achieve the best results.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    Is copy AI real or fake?

    Copy AI is real. It’s an AI-powered writing tool that generates content based on your input.

    Is copy AI completely free?

    Copy AI offers a free plan, but it also has paid plans with additional features and capabilities.

    Is copy ai better than ChatGPT?

    Copy AI and ChatGPT serve distinct purposes. Copy AI is dedicated to creating marketing and copywriting content, whereas ChatGPT is tailored for natural language conversations. Your selection between the two depends on your particular requirements

    What is better than copy AI?

    Alternatives to Copy AI include tools like Jasper AI, Writesonic, and Rytr. The choice of what’s “better” depends on your requirements and preferences.

    Is cheating?

    Using Copy AI as a writing tool is not considered cheating. It’s a legitimate tool designed to assist with content creation.

    Is safe to use?

    Yes, Copy AI is safe to use. It doesn’t pose any known security risks, and it’s used by many writers and businesses for content generation.

    How long is free trial?

    Copy AI offers a 7-day free trial for new users to explore its features and capabilities.

    Will replace copywriters?

    Copy AI can assist copywriters by generating content and ideas, but it’s not likely to replace human copywriters entirely. Human creativity and understanding of nuanced content are still essential.

    Does store data?

    Copy AI stores user data as needed to provide its services. It’s recommended to review the tool’s privacy policy for specific details on data storage and usage.

    Does have SEO tools?

    Copy AI offers various templates and tools for content creation, but it doesn’t have dedicated SEO tools. However, you can use its generated content as a starting point and then optimize it for SEO as needed.

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